thyroid resources
Annabel’s Resources
FREE Resources
Social media – I share a lot of valuable information (@annabel.bateman.wellness)
Information on this website
Mind + Mood supported with essential oils | 6 part email series
Daily Habits | Essential oil & supplements | 5 day challenge (emails)
Kickstart your thyroid friendly lifestyle in 30 days
Let’s Talk Thyroid – paperback
What Annabel Cooks: Gluten, Grain & Dairy Free- ecookbook
30 Common Hashimoto’s Symptoms & Strategies – ebook
My Thyroid Story – Printable or purchase paperback via Amazon
30 Day Thyroid Journal – Printable or purchase paperback via Amazon
Blood Tests (Affiliate link)
Health Practitioners
The website has a global list of patient recommended doctors. has practitioners in Australia who take a holistic approach to health.
* As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thyroid Function/ Understanding the medical side.
The Thyroid Debacle by Dr Eric Balcavage [A fresh perspective on understanding thyroid physiology and why the ‘traditional medical approach’ is failing so many thyroid patients]
Healing Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Naturally by Scott A Johnson [focus on essential oils, diet and supplements]
Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal? By Datis Kharrazian PhD, DHSc, DC, MS, MMSc, FACN [Fantastic overview of thyroid issues]
The Underactive Thyroid: Do it yourself because your doctor wont. By Dr Sarah Myhill & Craig Robinson. [a DIY guide to identifying and managing hypothyroidism]
Stop the Thyroid Madness by Janie A Bowthorpe [A very popular patient written book about thyroid health and the frustrations as a patient]
Why Isn’t My Brain Working? By Datis Kharrazian PhD, DHSc, DC, MS, MMSc, FACN [The thyroid/brain connection]
The Thyroid Renaissance by Lee Kennedy MD [Discussion on different medication options]
The Root Cause by Dr Isabella Wentz [Understanding what causes Hashimoto’s]
Hashimoto’s Protocol by Dr Isabella Wentz
The Thyroid Connection and The Autoimmune Solution by Dr Amy Myers
Reversing Hashimoto’s by Dr Anshul Gupta MD. [Helpful & hopeful book working through a 3 step process to reversing Hashimoto’s]
How to Heal Hashimoto’s by Marc Ryan [This book focuses on a Chinese Medicine approach]
Books on thyroid-friendly diet
Paleo-Ketognic: The How and the Why. By Dr Sarah Myhill & Craig Robinson. [Explains why paleo-keto is foundational]
Keto Green 16 by Dr Anna Cabeca [not thyroid-specific but a good follow on from Paleo-Ketogenic as it highlights lots of leafy greens.]
The Paleo Approach by Dr Sarah Ballentyne. [Loads of info and research into inflammatory foods and why to remove]
Grain Brain by Dr David Perlmutter [Not thyroid specific but helpful in understanding gluten, grains, gut and the connection to brain too]
The Thyroid Reset Diet by Alan Christiansen NMD [Focus on an iodine balancing diet]
It Starts with Food by Melissa & Dallas Hartwig [Focus on understanding why some foods are typically inflammatory]
Other thyroid topics
Unfunc Your Gut by Dr Peter Kozlwoski MD [Unravelling gut health from a functional medicine doctor. Not thyroid specific but helpful and practical]
Thyroid Essentials by Melissa Esguerra [Essential oils and thyroid support]
The Essential Oil Hormone Solution by Dr Mariza Snyder [Not thyroid specific but helpful to see how thyroid fits into the broader hormonal picture. Much more than just about essential oils]
The Essential Oil Menopause Solution by Dr Mariza Snyder [Not thyroid specific but sections on thyroid in the context of perimenopause. Dr Snyder has Hashimoto’s. Much more than just about essential oils]
Thyroid & Menopause Madness by Dr Joni Labbe [How often behind menopause symptoms sits a thyroid problem]
Podcasts are such an easy way to learn from thyroid experts around the world. Save a few to your favourites list and when you’re going for a walk, driving in the car or cooking dinner, listen and learn!
Here are a few of the dedicated thyroid podcasts out there that are worth listening to:
Solving the puzzle with Dr Datis Kharrazian
Thyroid Answers Podcast
The Thyroid Fixer
Functional Medicine Research with Dr Nikolas Hedberg
Thyroid Deep Dive with Mary Shomon
Thyroid Refresh TV
Let’s Talk Thyroid (my podcast)
Social Media accounts to follow
@datiskharrazian – Thyroid expert – researcher, educator and practitioner.
@justinjanoska – Trauma/Stress related to Hashimoto’s.
@whitneymorgannutrition – for all things gluten free
@angelabrowncoach – thyroid health coach
@brontemay.naturopath – Thyroid Naturopath – focus on Graves Disease
@healingthyroidnaturally – Tara Nelson, Thyroid Naturopath
@thyroidchange – Denise Roguz Thyroid patient advocacy.
@dramiehornaman – Also host of The Thyroid Fixer podcast.
@thyrosisters – Dr Joni Labbe. Menopause & Thyroid Health.
@drjspages – Dr Jonathan Spages – Functional approach.
@drericbalcavage – Function medicine approach for thyroid.
@dr.hertoghe – Dr Thierry Hertoghe – Belgium based doctor and educator.
@drkylemeers – Functional approach
@westinchilds – Thyroid educator
@dralanchristianson – Medical thyroid expert
@thyroid_healing_concepts – Thyroid patient & coach.
@hashimotoshealer – Marc Ryan. Research based, Chinese Medicine approach.
@docs_sznajder_gandolfo – Thyroid doctors.
@doc-koz – Dr Peter Kozlowski – Functional medicine doctor and author of Unfunc Your Gut.
@hypothyroidchef – Ginny Mahar. Thyroid-friendly food.
@heyhashi | @drkristacoombs – Functional medicine practitioner with thyroid focus.
@taraththornehealth – Focus on women in 40s & 50s – hormones.
@drbradbodle – Good foundational thyroid health info
I can highly recommend any of the courses run by Dr Datis Kharrazian. I’ve done quite a few of his online courses.
Thyroid Strong is a 6 week strength based exercise program which I’ve done. I’ve become stronger without injury which feels like a small miracle! (Affiliate link).