by Annabel Bateman | Jul 30, 2020 | Podcast Episode
going gluten free part 1 EPISODE 10 Listen Now! Why go gluten free? It took me almost 10 years to really go gluten free for my thyroid health, so I get that it can seem impossible. It’s not. It just takes knowing WHY you want to go gluten free, WHERE it is found...
by Annabel Bateman | Jul 23, 2020 | Podcast Episode
Robyn’s Thyroid Story EPISODE 9 Listen Now! ROBYN’S THYROID STORY There is power in a story. I’d love you to listen as Robyn shares her thyroid story with me.Robyn was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s 3 years ago, although was on medication for a high TSH for a...
by Annabel Bateman | Jul 16, 2020 | Podcast Episode
How to build your thyroid support team EPISODE 8 Listen Now! YOUR THYROID SUPPORT TEAM Dealing with chronic health issues can be quite lonely at times but I believe it’s important to find people, professional and personal that can help support you throughout...
by Annabel Bateman | Jul 9, 2020 | Podcast Episode
Thyroid Health – a conversation with my doctor, Dr elen apthomas EPISODE 7 Listen Now! MY DOCTOR TALKS THYROID HEALTH Finding a doctor to help you manage your thyroid health can be more difficult than it should be. I’m blessed to have had Dr Elen ApThomas...
by Annabel Bateman | Jul 2, 2020 | Podcast Episode
What causes Hashimoto’s? EPISODE 6 Listen Now! WHAT CAUSES HASHIMOTO’S? Thyroid disease is complex. I’ve spent 20+ years trying to understand my own thyroid health and I’m constantly learning, gaining deeper understandings of the connections and realising...